They are My Family @SMAVO when the first year. Our Beloved Teacher is Mrs. Tatra , She teached us Mathematics. We're different but We're One Family. And This's Us ::

And This is Our Moment ::

We're girl from Ikan Sepat with Our beloved Mrs. Tatra

And This's Us , Boy and Girl from Ikan Sepat with Mrs.Tatra

We're girl from Ikan Sepat with Our beloved Mrs. Tatra



We're Girls of Ikan Sepat with Mrs. Tatra

"Endhar" around us , Beauty Girls, HAHA



Interview "BULE" :D


On the Bus , go to National Monument


Take a picture @Museum Gajah

Our acting on Our Film :)

Breaktime when Shooting our Film :)

Breaktime when Shooting our Film :)

So Miss'n This Memory ...

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